Sunday, May 17, 2009

Exactly 1 Week Away!!

1 week from today I will have hopefully accomplished my goal of completing a half marathon.

I am excited. I am ready.

In other news: I ran 5 miles today! It's also Sunday, which is my favorite day of the week-- why?????

If you've followed my blog for, I don't know-- at least a week you should know.....

It's not just because I'm off work.........

It's not because the sun is out..............

It's not because I am NOT hungover, which is strange for a Sunday morning......

It's because..................................................................................................................................................................................

It's my CHEAT day.

On the menu:

PIZZA, BEER, chocolate chip cookies!

Have a great day everyone!


  1. You'll do fine Patrick! Remember - the adrenaline will be pumping. You'll probably feel great the first few miles. If you do, slow down! Conserve energy and then let her rip at about mile 10! I'll feed you little pacing tidbits throughout the week.

  2. Not "hopefully." "DEFINITELY!" Trust in your training. You'll do an awesome job. Heed Glenn's advice and be careful not to get caught up in the thrill of the start so you'll have some reserved energy on the back half.

  3.'m so excited for you about your half next week!! I'd go with the advice others have given - they haven't steered me wrong yet! (nor do I think they ever will)
    now - I'm off for a beer!

  4. I love your cheat days! I had a bit of a cheat yesterday and had a mango ice cream... MMMMMMM... and I didn't feel guilty because I thought: "This is cheat day, like Patrick!".

    Have a great week, Patrick! I can't wait to hear how your half goes. Very exciting.

  5. Woo-hoo! Gotta love cheat days!!

    You are going to do GREAT on your half-marathon! It's fun to read how excited you are! That will be me soon. :D

    I can't wait to read how it all goes! Enjoy your week, Patrick.

  6. Very cool! I'm very much looking forward to the race report (and Glenn's pacing tips).
